Our Wonderful Customers

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Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy Alliance is tasked with upholding the Kingdom’s sustainable development initiatives.

Through a proprietary process, they extract dentin and cementum from baby teeth that is then used to construct eco-friendly homes throughout the magical Kingdom. As a sustainable resource, baby teeth is the one of the Alliance’s top commodities.

This exchange wouldn’t be possible without their partnership with the Leprechaun Association. In exchange for baby teeth donations, fairy workers leave behind a precious metal coin that was hand crafted by the Leprechauns.

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Cool Mermaids

The Mermaid Federation works under the Unicorn Force to help protect the Magical Kingdom’s oceans and seas.

An elite group of highly decorated mermaids, they have pledged to protect their territory. Equally stunning as they are fierce, some legends say they have even lured sailors with their siren songs to protect their domain.

In addition to protecting the oceans and seas, the Mermaid Federation also oversees the trans-continental trading and selling of precious resources like oyster pearls, sea dragons, gadgets, gizmos, whozits, whatzits and thingamabobs.

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Funny Bunnies

With membership increasing exponentially, the Easter Bunny Club is a valuable client of the Fairy Bank.

Never before needing banking services, due to the increased value of their eggs, the Club now stores all assets in the Bank’s secure vaults until Easter. With branch locations available worldwide, each bank houses an egg collection unique to that area.

Working year round to provide countless eggs, the bunnies also participate in photo shoots and meet and greets during the few weeks prior to the holiday itself. The mystery remains as to how the bunnies can produce eggs…

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Pots of Gold

Founded in the Wicklow Hills of Ireland, their principle focus is on Leprechaun licensing and well being.

Spending most of their time mending human shoes and protecting pots of gold, they are the only manufacturer and transporter of rainbows worldwide. They even hold a patent on utilizing a pot of gold to keep it from blowing away!

Known for being solitary creatures, Leprechauns are often very mischievous and sometimes get into some trouble. This Leprechaun Association helps by offering counseling and retraining to those who may have fallen off the rainbow.

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Tricky Pixies

The Pixie Party was formed in response to the growing demand for joy and happiness across the world.

Related to the fairies, pixies are known for their charismatic ways and love for music, dancing and mischievous pranks. Small in stature but rich in magical power, they can charm people into a smile and cause plants to blossom.

A key part of maintaining balance and spreading joy throughout the Kingdom, the Pixie Party is based in England but has a large presence worldwide. Please note, if you come across a Pixie’s homes in the woods, don’t ever touch it.

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The Law

As a legal authority, the Unicorn Defense Force serves to protect magical creatures and places worldwide.

Known for being faster than sound and the speed of light, the unicorns are tasked with protecting the forests and their ecosystems all while contributing to the security of the Fairy Bank’s precious resources like baby teeth, pixie dust and pots of gold.

Historically, they relied solely on the magic of their horns and healing powers but have evolved over the years to be the sole protector of the magical Kingdom and beyond. The Unicorn Force now deploys forces across the globe.